Introducing BO-Freeze™
Medium for slow-freezing and Direct Transfer of bovine IVF embryos

Packed with powerful nutrients
Energise your daily life
*Due to import regulations, some products shipped to Australia and New Zealand will be BSA-free, where BSA supplementation will be required by the end user.
Health is our priority.
*Due to import regulations, some products shipped to Australia and New Zealand will be BSA-free, where BSA supplementation will be required by the end user.
*Due to import regulations, some products shipped to Australia and New Zealand will be BSA-free, where BSA supplementation will be required by the end user.

Our Products
Replenish Lost Nutrients In Your Body
Introducing BO-Freeze™
*Due to import regulations, some products shipped to Australia and New Zealand will be BSA-free, where BSA supplementation will be required by the end user.
*Due to import regulations, some products shipped to Australia and New Zealand will be BSA-free, where BSA supplementation will be required by the end user.

Introducing BO-Freeze™
*Due to import regulations, some products shipped to Australia and New Zealand will be BSA-free, where BSA supplementation will be required by the end user.
*Due to import regulations, some products shipped to Australia and New Zealand will be BSA-free, where BSA supplementation will be required by the end user.
What Says Our Happy Clients About us
We value the experimentation, the reformation of the message, and the smart incentives. We offer a variety of services and solutions Worldwide and this is at the heart of how we approach our.

Johnson Cecila

Sachin Diwar

Dusty A. Healey

Barbara G. Dundas